Coverage of the ASECAP Days in the media
Post-event articles:
ASECAP debates the future of tolling - ITS International website. First published in ITS International (July-August 2016 issue) as "All change on the tolling front"
La motorway che va oltre - LeStrade (June 2016)
Pre-event articles:
Tolling trends and technology at ASECAP's Madrid meeting - ITS International website. First published in ITS International (March-April 2016 issue) as "ASECAP debates the future of European tolling"
ASECAP Days 2016-Special issue - LeStrade (May 2016 issue)
Coverage of the ASECAP Days in the ASECAP members' newsletters:
ASECAP: verso una mobilità integrata e sostenibile in Europa - AISCAT informazioni (3-4/2015 issue)