Programme & Presentations

Programme & Presentations

List of Attendees


Wednesday 10th of November 2021 

The programme is subject to regular updates 

09:00 - 09.30

Welcoming and Opening Remarks

Master of ceremony: Malika Seddi, ASECAP Secretary General

• Massimo Schintu, ASECAP President – Welcome
Keynote speaker
Adina Vălean, Transport Commissioner, European Commission

09:30 - 10:45

EU Green Deal : Accelerating mobility project delivery that meet climate change challenges targeting carbon free emission with sustainable funding and investments
(Political panel with high level personalities) - PROCEEDINGS

Moderator: Malika Seddi, ASECAP Secretary General (Key points from ASECAP sustainability report)

István Ujhelyi, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, European Parliament
• Elzbieta Lukaniuk, Member of Adina Vălean Cabinet in charge of Roads and Railways, European Commission
• Darko Trajanov, EU Slovenian Presidency

ASECAP Company Personalities :
Roberto Tomasi, CEO, Autostrade per l’Italia, Italy
• António Pires de Lima, CEO of the Brisa Group and Chairman of BCR, Portugal
• Pierre Coppey, President and CEO of Vinci Autoroutes, France 
• Bill M. Halkias, IRF President

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break - Exhibition - Networking 

13:00 - 13:45

Lunch break - Exhibition - Networking

16:15 - 16:30

Closing Remarks

• Massimo Schintu, ASECAP President
• António Nunes de Sousa, ASECAP Incoming President
• ASECAP Days 2022 

16:30 - 18:30

Exhibition / Networking